
72 hours


Friday, February 23, 2001. 09:35:48 AM

I had a dream about you once again,

a dream in color over a winter’s night.

I dreamt us sitting together at a poetry reading,

you seem so much brighter then than in real life.


Friday, February 23, 2001. 05:22:31 PM

You said that I should stop saying “gay”

to everything that I didn’t like,

you asked what I would feel like if someone

said “Tom Lin” to everything they didn’t like.

I answered that that would be great if they did so,

for I too would have agreed totally that Tom Lin

is the worst thing on Earth,

everything I don’t like.


Saturday, February 24, 2001. 03:28:30 PM

You said that I got sick from

eating three spoiled cans of tuna.

Liar, you don’t know that all

three of them were spoiled.


Saturday, February 24, 2001. 11:32:06 PM

We’re making cameos in a sequel of lives

All of us dancing in a faceless masquerade

I took off my camouflage, just to find

All the people we’re fading into.


Sunday, February 25, 2001. 11:58:26 AM

“I hate dating a writer!”

You said,

I listened,

when you found me out

for the fake that I am.

What did you see through me?


Sunday, February 25, 2001. 06:34:05 AM

You told me to say good-bye

because we can’t even understand each other anymore.

Why are you still lonely?

You said,

“I’m as lonely as the Moon,

and you’re far away like the Earth.”

I thought,

I don’t even know,

What the hell that means.


 ---Tom Lin




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