
Eiji Shinrow is dead


Monday. 10/24/05. 04:21:45 AM

Eiji's relationships were random, in spots here and there. The first girl that the Mock could find in Eiji's trail was someone Eiji had met in early High School freshmen year, the relationship broken when she had to move, due to the fact that her father was in the military, and the move that eventually followed.
"We tried to keep it going for a while," She said on the phone, her voice now rough from cigarette smoke. "But it just didn't work out, you know?" A pause. "It was kind of like a mutual thing, we drifted apart, he looked for other girls, and I looked for other guys, you know?"
The second girl in the trail still lived back in Kettering, Ohio, where Eiji resided when he first moved here to the United States. She was now pregnant with two kids, the oldest being five, despite the fact that she was probably only twenty-three or twenty-two. "Eiji had this kind of mood swing, you know?" She recalled. "Sometimes he'd be the nicest guy ever, but sometimes he'd be the biggest bastard in the entire world." She laughed. "He'd always go into anything head on, with all the enthusiasm he had, and then get bored of it as fast as he could." She paused as a child cried in the background, her head turning back towards him. "I think that's the reason our relationship went out." She continued, as she started to get up. "He just got bored of it, after a while, and sort of became distant."
"His biggest problem was probably the fact that he couldn't get himself to be committed to anyone." His third relationship, the one that lasted the longest, which was almost six months, spoke to Ryo as the Waffle House waitress filled their coffee cups up. "I mean, he would call you as soon as he felt lonely, but he would ignore you or find excuses to not pick up the phone whenever he wanted to be alone." Sips of coffee, the people talking in the background. "I remember that he would call me his girlfriend, yet tell his friends that he wouldn't really consider anyone a real 'girlfriend' till he had dated them for over six months." She chuckled at this. "He would tell me this and say that we were both in a relationship, in a courting position or something like that."
The few girls before and after her were pretty much one night stands, barely remembering Eiji from parties or meetings. Most of them slept with him while drunk, while others while they were drugged, neither of them going further than that little moment shared at that moment.
"He was nice to hang out with, and he would never object to going anywhere." His fourth relationship told Ryo through the phone. She was the only girl who still kept touch with Eiji, friends even after the end of their relationship. "But he always seemed like he was losing interest in the relationship week after week." She sighed. "Even though he wouldn't say it, you could tell that he was bored of the relationship, till we sort of just broke up." A pause. "He didn't even look sad when I told him it was over."
"It's not true." A male voice came through from the other end of the line.
And just like that, the phone went dead, and Ryo was left over with the deafening buzz of the line.
End of that message.




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