
Eiji Shinrow is dead


Saturday. 09/24/05. 01:54:54 AM

According to Eiji's roommate, Brett Day, Eiji was a heavy drug user, abusing his body with both alcohol and many types of illegal drugs. "The kid was already f**ked up before I met him," Brett told Ryo yesterday afternoon. "He used to have an 'escort' and a drug dealer for roommates, and I'm sure it's hard living with them without taking a part in their lifestyles. Plus, he used to live in Bolivia too, and drug dealers would visit his parents' restaurant all the time, so cocaine flowed like water there."
This was the stuff that would drive someone to die, this is the dirt in everyone's life that makes them ashamed to live. These were the details that Ryo was looking for, the hidden secrets that would end someone's life when they were young.
Except that the autopsy report he was holding in his hand reported that Eiji Shinrow's blood was clean of any kind of drug, there wasn't even traces of alcohol or aspirin or any other thing that might have caused a sort of reaction that would end a life.
"Eiji was a heavy drinker, he wasn't someone who would wait till it was after noon before he started chucking down whiskey shots." Brett had said in his interview. "I remember this one time when we went to the bar, and he was just drinking pints of beer down like it was nothing. I thought he was dumped by a girl or something. But when I asked him about it the day after, he said that it was just because he's been having such a dry spell."
"Was he dating someone at the time?" Ryo had asked.
"No, not at all. I don't think he was dating anybody at all at the time."
"Is he dating anybody now?"
"Not that I know of."
"Do you think he would have kept it from you?" Ryo asked.
"Nah, most likely not." Brett replied. "He was usually really talkative when he was drunk, that he would easily spurt out any secrets or thoughts he was holding inside."
"I see, so there was no way he could have kept a secret from you."
"Yeah, pretty much." Brett nodded. "I remember half of the times, he wouldn't even remember telling me about it." He chuckled at that, as if he'd just remembered how funny it was.
The autopsy reports showed that Eiji Shinrow's health was above average when he died, and the cause of death was unknown. The doctor who did the autopsy said that he didn't know how Eiji died, because it looked as if his body just suddenly decided to stop functioning, without any reasons at all.




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